Not a lot to add, but I haven't been ignoring this site/project. My life and finances are a swamp right now and I'm plugging away at 50-70 hours a week at three different jobs to pay off my debt. It's a lot of fun, as you can imagine. As I've said in the about me section of this website, I'm not really a programmer. Honestly I'm not much of anything, small as a bug. Oh well, at least I have a schedule now which doesn't involve scarring my liver. (Never drink, it is a TOTAL system toxin.)
I got to see my girl over Valentine's Day and we had a great time. I took some vacation days and we watched a few different movies, mainly Eastern Promises by Cronenberg, the Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Pt. 2, Office Space, The American Gangster (some 48 min doc that came with a boxset I got at a surplus store,) Running with Scissors, and Mystic River.
I wasn't crazy about the last Hunger Games movie. Really found the ending rushed and dissapointing, but I like the little kindship Snow & Katniss shared at the end before his brutal death ala Mussolini etc all. Unsurprisingly, my favorite watch was Eastern Promises. It's very hard to be dissapointed in a Cronenberg/Vigo project; and this movie was solid. The opening scene and birth was a touch jarring though; but I guess this is something I should expect from a body-horror director making a movie about human trafficking. Office Space was fine, I see the cultural appeal and love Mike Judge in general but it hasn't exactly aged the best. Overall, I'm glad I finally took the time to watch it and get it out of my backlog. The American Gangster is a passable 48 minute short covering early mob fiends like Lucky Luciano and Al Capone which is scarcely memorable and does go much beyond surface facts. As I said earlier this was in a small boxset also containing Snatch, Donny Braso, and Goodfellas. Running with Scissors was a mess. I found it all over the placce and stiff, it felt like everyone in the film didn't want to be involved. I've also read the source material which wasn't the greatest either, no offense intended Mr. Augustin Burroughs. Mystic River was a fun little crime drama based on the Denis Lahane novel which explores themes of crime, identity, child sexual abuse, murder, revenge, miscommunication, and trauma. Sean Penn's performance in the park felt like it keep from the deepest depths of his soul, it was truly riveting. All around a fantastic piece by the master Mr. Clint Eastwood.
Okay, now let's talk valentines. I don't have a lot of spare funds at me by the time I get rents and all the bills pad, so when Em came down; I hit the grocery store beforehand and stocked up, (grabbing a red rose, of course,) and headed home to her. When I got in the door and unpacked things, we put her rose in a wine bottle I have which was shaped like a cat and a lovely red color. She didn't take this home with her, but we cut the rose's head which she kept. Em makes a nice breakfast, usually french toast, pancakes, peanut butter cookies (not for breakfast,) and sometimes grilled cheese on a full moon. I love getting into bed and having a plate of her cooking and putting on a movie or gaming; or just talking while she scrolls on her phone. We didn't do much beyond go shopping at a few pawn shops; spending way too much money. She also got several Pokemon modeling kits as a gift! But I don't think I can really get into all of this now, it's nearly 1 AM and I've got to go back to grinding away at debt tomorrow. Goodbye for now, your admin
I feel like I neglected to discuss a big part of Valentine's Day in the previous post, and that was what my girlfriend ended up getting for me for valentine's day. I like to collect trinkets and miniatures, especially if they're cheaply made of Chinese molded plastic in factories that destroy the world. Recently, my girlfriend started buying me these $5 Tsunameez figures from the dollar store; which are small hard-plastic keychains shaped like sandwich bags. Inside floats a neon colored viscous fluid, and on top sits one of eight collectable Tsunameez figures. Currently, I owen six out eight and they sit in front of my Commodore 64, waiting. With this explaination, I can now explain the lineage of La Goop and my girlfriends' latest visit.
I live on an island and my girlfriend lives in a neighboring province, so while we do not have the benefit of seeing each other everyday; she regularly travels to my home to see me. On her last visit for Valentine's Day, she brought an elaborate gift. She designed for me an elaborate bouqet of Mars Bars and Swedish Berry candies (some of my favorites!), adding a plush teal colored (favorite color) axolotl to the top of it as well as a small purple heart. It was one of the most touching gifts I'd ever received. Then she mentioned there was something else: a "lil guy," as we call them. This is how I met the immnent Kirby LaGoop, and in time; the rest of the LaGoop Lineage.
Suspended in a neon-green slime inside of a hard synthetic plastic, Kirby LaGoop thinks. His hair is pink, his skin is white, stars float endlessly by his face; their flecks of gold twinkling in neverending green night. Kirby is a unicorn, the only in his family of Tsunameez brothers. The rest of the Tsunameez are a mixed ilk of species, specifically sea creatures like Blobfish, Axolotls, Clownfish, and a few others. The girfriend has desperately hunting for the blobfish model to no avail, but we DID recently get a blobfish model with a clowns face, which unfortunately for her doesn't count. Oh well, he's mine now.
I've taken to giving these little figurines names. The unicorn is Kirby LaGoop, the original. They go as follows: Malmo LaGoop: Axolotl, Ziggy LaGoop: Axolotl, Cindy LaGoop: Axolotl, Armond LaGoop: Clownfish, and Juno LaGoop, the final axolotl. I'll be frank: I stole the initial name, Kirby LaGoop from a rapper who collabed with Joeyy; but the rest come from the center of my head to form this divine lineage. The LaGoops do not do much, suspended in slime in front of my PC without a word, waiting for their ultimate purpose to be revealed.
Okay, I sound schizophrenic. Now let's jump ahead to this week. I worked like a dog between my two jobs and did some photography for a friend throughout the week which netted me an extra $350. This made up for the fact I owe the government money on my tax return, something I'd like to note irks me as I only make around $35,000 and had to get a second job to cover expenses. In turn, this put me in a new tax bracket and the bastard thieves of this failed socialist government decided to run up a tab in my name. Thankfully, Em was lucky to receive her tax return and booked us tickets both to visit me this weekend (which I'll discuss below,) and also tickets to a comic book expo at the end of the month.
Such a gift she is, she arrived Friday and my friend and I promptly picked her up before the three of us set off to the grocery store in the hunt for food. Once we got our snacks, I popped some edibles and slid into a warm, fuzzy contented state. We spoke, kissed, caught up, we unpacked our groceries, we settled in. That first night together we didn't do much, she assembled an Entei Pokemon model and watched her tablet and I gamed a bit, playing Max Payne 3. For dinner we reheated some chicken in the air fryer, then hit bed fairly early. The next day we awoke early. Em had developed a small infection, so we set off to a drug store first to purchase some ointment; then went to a greasy spoon big-chain-diner and got some breakfast sandwiches and coffee. Returning home, we snacked and watched the first "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" movie, then I set off for a six hour cash shift. It passed quickly, and I returned home where we had pizza and watched "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest," before falling asleep.
I woke up today very drowsy, and even after downing two Redbulls and having a warm bath, I hardly felt roused. In and out of stupor, Em herself woke up and I toweled off from the bath before fixing her a grilled cheese sandwich and small naan-and-cheese for myself. We sat up in bed and tried to watch "The Girl Who Played with Fire," but within forty minutes I knew my drowsy eyes would not stand for more. We turned the film off and spent the next few hours napping and talking before packing up. She just caught the bus home roughly 20ish minutes ago, and is driving still as I write this. I love you, and will see you soon!
For now I will end this entry with a half-hearted promise to be more deligent with updating this website. I want to definitely do something with it, but my limited technical ability continues to leave me wondering what this may be. For now, I am going to go update my Steam Deck and back-up some files; and hopefully we will speak soon. Yours, Admin.