I guess we should get this over with then, right?"
What is Stinknet? Who runs it? What is the purpose?
Stinknet functions as a multi-disciplinary site where the conventional rules of social media and reddit-level "web etiquette" need not apply. There are also news bans on social media in my country I wish to circumvent, and this site will function as my primary means of communication to the outside world.
This site is run by a sole individual who will be known by various pseudonyms such as "Fumu," "Yuzu," "Yoomu," "Snuffer", and "Uzi-K." The primary purpose of this website is again to act as my outlet to the outside world, as well as a place to publish my thoughts and feelings, reflect on life, current events, contribute interesting links and freeware files and in time, provide access to my own projects.
This site has no official affiliation with any political, religious, or philosophical entities, and all views and ideas are those of the administrator unless quoted otherwise.
Let's get a bit less serious now. I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself, my interests, and my life. Keep in mind - I'll be writing with operational security in mind, so while I apologize for any vague details; its just in the interest of not being doxxed.
I'd also like to quickly add this website would not exist without inspiration from countless single-service-websites, gag sites, folks in the freeware scene like Drummyfish, and the incredible ethos that surrounds communities like Neocities. Open-source and platforms such as this keep the true spirit of computer science alive.
First edition About Me Page Intro 01/31/2025 12:43 PM. - Ass Out Yuzo
Likes (In no particular order, because how can I pick favorites?)
- Music/Musicians/Bands:I'm a huge music fan and used to be a record collector. I love rap, electronic music, and most other genres. Current favorite bands/artists/groups are: Joeyy, Lil Darkie, Sienna Sleep, Spider-Gang, Reptilian Club Boyz, Ocean Gang, Oneohtrix Point Never, Ben Frost, Aphex Twin, fourtet (and his side projects,) Kid606, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, the Stooges, King Crimson, MBV, RXK Papi & Nephew, Three 6 Mafia, Shedtheory, Marlon Dubois, Negativland, Lil Ugly Mane, Carl Crack, Machine Girl, 32-bit Whore, etc... This website is peppered with musical references. See if you can catch them all!
- Video Games & Consoles: I'm a huge gamer! My current console stack is a PS2, PS1, Xbox 360, and a Steam deck. I play a lot of bullet hell and roguelike games, and really whatever looks weird/gory/edgy/out-there. I'm a sucker for good covers (and bad, too.) My most played game is the Binding of Isaac with 4000+ hours, the Touhou games are also favorites, and really anything will entertain me as long as its violent or janky. I'm a simple person.
- Movies & TV: I love movies! HBO is my favorite (how typical, right?) and I love the shows Curb your Enthusiasm, Succession, the Wire, the Sopranos, Mr. Show, Whitest Kids You Know, Jackass, Beavis & Butthead, Dr. Katz, and many others. For films, I love pretty much every genre. I've been watching the Planet of the Apes prequels with my girlfriend and have been enjoying that a lot. I can't stand Star Wars, please keep that shit away from me. My current top four movies are: 1. Cape Fear. 2. The Zone of Interest. 3. Good Time. 4. My Cousin Vinny. Honorable mention to Nosferatu 2024. Incredible movie.
- Computer Science & Code: I don't actually know how to code beyond basic script kiddie shit in Python and making a simple website like this. That being said, I've been obsessed with computers, software, and piracy since my father bought our first Gateway desktop in 2002. I fell in love with shareware and now I can't pay for any of it. Catch me if you can! In terms of figures in computer science I look up to, those would be Terry A. Davis, Richard Stallman, tasty/drummyfish, SCUMOS Games, Lexaloffe Games, Jon Conway, James Gosling, and numerous others I'm too stunned to name and remember at this time. This website is run and maintained primarily from two laptops, one a second-hand HP laptop running Windows 10 and the second an Acer 10" laptop running Puppy Linux. I'm still getting linux set up to my preferences and trying to remove the original OS so I can stop booting from USB and save a slot for other accessories.
- Books, Comics, Writers, and Authors: I'm a huge reader! Usually non-fiction, true crime, history, economics, how-to guides, self help, among others. I'm a big fiction reader as well, I've read plenty of authors mainly in the realm of sci-fi and horror like Clive Barker, Harlan Ellison, William S. Burroughs (not a fan anymore, unfortunately he's a fucking pedophile,) J.G. Ballard, Hermann Hess, and a bunch of other old white guys with very poor outlooks on humanity. Honestly trying to compress and compartmentalize all the media I consume is difficult, so I hope this covers the general scope of it.
- Ideas, Thoughts, Philosophies: I am an incredibly pessimistic person who believes the world is about to slip into permanent tech-fascism. I try to squirrel away as much money as I can, mind my own business, and work hard. For a long time I've just wanted to be away from everyone else and keep myself safe. Being in the public, living a 'normal life', is incredible hard for me for reasons I'll cover later in the 'life' section of this page.
- Hopes, Dreams, Goals: My main goal in life is to be financially self-succient and own a home. In terms of my own personal growth, I'm always working to be more physically active and exercise more as well as improving my diet. I purchase divident stocks and mutual funds, own small amounts of cryptocurrency, and purchase silver on a semi-regular basis. Even though I don't really understand them well, finances & numbers interest me a lot. Someday I'd like to learn to code more
efficiently and with more complex languages like C and Assembly; and potentially start my own computer/software related business.
- Misc: I am diagnosed with autism and post-traumatic stress disorder, I love cooking, I live alone and am in a long distance relationship, I am a recovering alcoholic and drug user, I have no political beliefs and view binary systems and dogma as inherently harmful to all human beings. I do not reject violence, pacifism is nice in theory but poor in practice. I do not believe in human rights, nor that if human rights could even be adequately defined could they be enforced. I collect model kits, records, books, movies, video games, and cards. I have a pet cat named Minnie who I spoil with my time and energy, I love my girlfriend and close group of friends dearly. They help me so much everyday.
My puppy Linux laptop which I use to help maintain and develop the Stinkynets!
Dislikes (From worst to not so bad.)
- Other people.
- Barking dogs/loud animals/people yelling at animals for being loud.
- Honestly, just working in general.
- Ignorance and arrogance (even though I am consistently both in my own ways.)
- Learned helplessness (both in myself and in others.)
- Messes, mold, dirt, grime, germs.
Life? Sure.
Life is shit. I was born in the West in the late 90s to a religious family. I am in my late twenties. I suffered epilepsy and physical, sexual and emotional abuse as a child and as such, have PTSD and have been diagnosed with autism. I don't leave the house a lot, I'm angry all the time, and very paranoid. I work constantly so I can invest and hopefully have a home someday. I believe it would be morally wrong to have kids, and I don't know if I will ever have a tradtional family or live a traditional life. For the time being, I'm content being with my girl, making money, and working on this site. I'm grateful you're here.